ISMA is dedicated to producing insightful commentary on the dynamics of modern authoritarian regimes.

ISMA conducts cutting-edge work aimed at deepening our understanding of the mechanisms, ideologies, and impact of modern authoritarianism.

ISMA organizes events that serve as platforms for academic exchange and public engagement.
What We Do

Tracking presidential abuses of power
Trump Asserts Illegal Wartime Powers to Deport Immigrants in Defiance of the Court
Trump's Anti-DEI Inquisition Targets Georgetown, a Private University
Trump Withholds Congressionally Mandated Spending in Defiance of the Constitution
Trump Aide Dictated Terms of Facebook Overhaul
Follow the project at The UnPopulist

Gauging Populist Sentiments in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Race
A report on ISMA's latest survey, including the survey's topline results, is now available. Crosstabulations of the results are available in a separate file here.