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Image by Riccardo Manieri

What We Do

ISMA's commentary, research, and events position it as a leading force in understanding and responding to the complexities of authoritarian systems in the contemporary world.

White Waves
ISMA is dedicated to producing insightful commentary on the dynamics of modern authoritarian regimes. Through rigorous analysis and expert insights, ISMA's commentary provides a nuanced understanding of political, social, and economic developments within these authoritarian contexts, fostering informed discourse. ​ISMA publishes The UnPopulist, which aims to bridge the gap between academic research and public understanding, fostering a broader awareness of the challenges posed by modern authoritarianism.
ISMA conducts cutting-edge research aimed at deepening our understanding of the mechanisms, ideologies, and impact of modern authoritarianism. This research serves as a vital resource for scholars, policymakers, and the public, shedding light on the intricacies of authoritarian governance, the erosion of liberal democratic institutions, and the implications for global geopolitics.
ISMA organizes events that serve as platforms for academic exchange and public engagement. Future conferences, seminars, and workshops will bring together scholars and policymakers to share perspectives, foster dialogue, and explore potential solutions for addressing the challenges posed by modern authoritarianism.

What We Do

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